Lee Lam had an impressive career in Financial Services Technology, experience that gives her unique insight into the most effective team designs for startups. She now works with entrepreneurs and startups to help them avoid operational and strategic blindspots that can impact their potential and impede further growth.
Entrepreneurial Role Models:
When business started difficulties overcame:
“I was quite concerned that in order to be successful, in order for it to be worth it I’d have to find a way of doing it a different way and a unique way for me that would differentiate me from the other people who all looked to be doing similar things. The other thing is really as a woman… female consultant there aren’t a huge amount of us out there running our own businesses”…[Listen for More]
Favourite Books:
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action Book by Simon SinekFavourite Quote:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt
Recommended Online Resources:
- Agora Club International is a club for women aged 42 and older, with different professions, hobbies and interests. It is a modern Club for modern Women and is represented in 19 countries around the world. It is non-political and non-sectarian and it’s motto is ‘Donner et Tolererer’ (Service and Tolerance in English).
- Richard Moore trains corporate sales teams to win🚀Online engagement
Best Advice to Other Entrepreneurs:
“find people who understand you. There are so many entrepreneurs in the world you will find that they congregate around each other and I realised the reason for that is because it is such a unique mindset. The people you are used to dealing with may or may not understand the drive that’s within you to do your business and to work so hard at something that may or may not actually work. But other entrepreneurs will get it and you have to give yourself regular access to that kind of support”…[Listen for More]
More About Lee Lam:
Neil’s Quote at the Beginning:
“Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back, it means you are two steps ahead of them” Unknown
Other Quotes From the Chat with Lee Lam:
- “when you first start a business idea you have a number of people become interested in what you are doing and I note term them hunters because they kind of sniff around your business. And they normally do it to reason’s they are either trying to work out whether your competition… I had lots of conversations with various consultancies and it was framed as… They wanted to see if there was collaborations they wanted to work together. But as I had more and more of these conversations, I realised that actually it was more that they just wanted to understand what I was offering to see if they could offer it. And it took me a long time to work that out.”
- “Once you know that what you’ve got is necessary and that it fulfils a need I think you do have to have the doggedness of I know this is going to work. It may not work exactly as you think it will but you have to be quite stubborn at keeping with it. And particularly if you are trying to do something quite disruptive…”
- “The more simplistic you can make the language the quicker people understand what needs to be done and then the hard part starts which is applying that”
- “I do think that the why becomes everything for entrepreneurs. It becomes your motivator; it becomes your ultimate selling point.”
- “I will expect the unexpected and when something happens instead of being surprised and off put by it actually thinking okay so what does this mean for me going forward as quickly as possible”
- “no one is forcing me to do what I do. I am choosing every day to go back in the arena accepting the risk that I might get pummelled today. Today may not be a good day for being there but I know I do not want to be on the side-lines and I don’t want to be someone who sits there and says well I could have done that. That just doesn’t feel very authentic to me and it doesn’t feel like that’s going to be fulfilling when I am looking back on my life”
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