Hyungsoo Kim is a firm believer in the importance of universal design with the goal to co-design innovative products that are accessible and useful to everyone. His team has created an innovative fashion timepiece, The Bradley, that everyone, including the blind, can touch to tell time.
Entrepreneurial Role Models:
- Blake Mikowski founder of Toms Shoes
- Elon Musk
When business started difficulties overcame:
“lack of experience and knowledge were definitely the biggest challenge. As I mentioned briefly earlier I was not a product designer or engineer while I wanted to design and build a product. I had absolutely no idea where to begin so most of my time was spent in the beginning was to find cofounders who have experience in those fields. In the beginning I had nothing to show, so I only had a concept in mind but no concrete prototype or design drawings. So no one was easily biting the bait. It was quite frustrating to be honest ”…[Listen for More]
Favourite Books:
Run the Mile You’re In: Finding God in Every Step Book by Ryan HallFavourite Quote:
- “Complaints are a sign that there is a problem to be solved,” he says. “Paying attention to complaints is a great way to find innovative ideas that people actually need.” Elon Musk
- “the goal for a start-up is to survive until you get lucky”
Recommended Online Resources:
Clarity Make faster better decisions to grow your business. Clarity is your lifeline that instantly connects you with battle tested advice from entrepreneurs. Find and schedule a call in minutes.
Best Advice to Other Entrepreneurs:
“I offer the advice not to go all in. The reason is if you really go all in it will push you to work harder for sure but often times you will not be able to think rationally, you won’t be able to relax and step back to solve unexpected problems you face. And you would often find yourself going for very short-term profits and results. You will lose patience when you need to wait for the right timing to catch something”…[Listen for More]
More About Hyungsoo Kim:
Neil’s Quote at the Beginning:
“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” Stephen King
Other Quotes From the Chat with Hyungsoo Kim:
- “talk to as many potential customers as possible in order to really understand them”
- “perseverance is the key to success for many start-ups”
- “you need to be smart, you need to have good people skills, you need to have a good team, you need to have good products, the product needs to be launched at the right time with the trend. So, it requires a lot of knowledge and skills but at the same time a lot of luck so you just need to be prepared and just be ready so that when the opportunity comes in you need to be able to grab it”
- “our entrepreneur journey is made of a constant mix of success and failures. And you never know if today’s seeming success could lead to a failure in the future or vice versa”
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