Andrei Mincov is the founder of Trademark Factory a company that helps file trademarks for client. They now have a team of 19 people. He is also a bestselling author of 5 books, an international speaker, and a visionary. Andrei is passionate about helping entrepreneurs Protect their ideas and cover their assets. Andrei has shared the stage with Robert Kiyosaki, Lisa Sasevich, Raymond Aaron, Jack Canfield and Kevin Harrington.
Entrepreneurial Role Models:
When business started difficulties overcame:
“In 2007 me and my wife realised that we had enough of Russia and we wanted to move to a place that respects individual rights, that respect entrepreneurship, that respects freedom. I did some research and realise that it will be easier for me to move, out of all English speaking countries, to Canada which we did. And the first thing I learned after I applied and put in all the paperwork in is that I had to go back to law school in Canada. That was completely unexpected ”…[Listen for More]
Favourite Books:
- The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It Book by Michael E. Gerber
- Built To Sell: Creating a business that can thrive without you Book by John Warrillow
Favourite Quote:
“I May Be Wrong But I’m Never In-Doubt” Dan Peña
Recommended Online Resources:
FU Money – Dan Lok specifically crafted this book to eliminate the guesswork, and rid of the sleepless nights full of dreams that never come true. Let this book guide the way to a higher quality of life and business.
Best Advice to Other Entrepreneurs:
“Be legendary. It’s worth it. Really it boils down to if you call yourself an entrepreneur and you spend any amount of time, energy and money working in your business do it toward something that is actually going to matter. I think what you are doing with this interview is a great thing because it shows that unless you have a big idea, a big aspiration, a big vision it’s not really entrepreneurship its survival. There is nothing wrong with the survival stage but you have to understand what’s the overall goal. Because I know that when people start their businesses, they have this big dream and then the day-to-day operations very often forget the big overarching reason why and I think that’s probably the biggest mistake. Because at some point if you are staying small you should just quit and get a job because that that the end of the day is going to help you to avoid the frustrations of running a business that’s not producing. And the only way to overcome that is to know why you are doing it, that your struggles is the price you are paying for something bigger. Be legendary, it’s worth it.”…[Listen for More]
More About Andrei Mincov:
Neil’s Quote at the Beginning:
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right.” Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company
Other Quotes From the Chat with Andrei Mincov:
- “pretty much everything that happened on this journey was something that shaped me as I am today and I wouldn’t trade it for the world”
- “just start… planning is great but you can’t really fully plan your business”
- “find a mentor who is not just a book that you read here and there but somebody who can steer you in the right direction. And a big chunk of my progress I attributed to having a mentor that I could turn to and ask questions”
- “it was difficult for me to open up to other people’s opinions on other people’s thoughts because you are always thinking you are the smartest one. But if anything I wish I had had a mental sooner”
- “make sure that what you are doing is something that enough people care about and then do something about it that actually matters”
- “if you spend any amount of time, energy, money trying to build a business you might as well spend that time, money and energy building something that matters”
- “I create change. I don’t want to be the one who finds themselves wondering what just happened. I build things in a way that drive change”
- “I one hundred percent value buying other people’s experience and buying other people’s ears of learning how to do things. So I’m not the one who is trying to learn everything on their own”
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